I haven’t written anything in quite a while and it is actually a bit presumptuous of me to be writing this two days before my 55th birthday. Especially given that my reason for writing this is to somehow acknowledge the uncertainty of seeing another day and then to thus celebrate …
Tag: life
A lot about visualization
Recently I have been hearing quite a bit about the power of visualization. A practice that I have done unintentionally at times that probably helped in bringing about what ever the desire I had. I have seen myself in many situations, achieving things, accomplishing goals, but never consciously naming the …
I have no plan. It’s all serendipity. And the incomplete thought.
Serendipity I absolutely love that word, and all that it means. I truly believe I have lived my life with no real plan. A few goals along the way, yes, but no determined plan for making things happen. I have read all the manuals on goal achieving and getting things …
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So you have talent huh?
I’m not sure what woke me. Maybe it was the sound of the rain dropping on the window pane, making that sound it does. I much prefer the way it sounded when it fell on the corrugated galvanized roof of a house, but this will have to do. Or maybe …
“How can I not be happy?”
“How can I not be happy all day, I’m from the streets of Africa” – Burna Boy, Streets of Africa Listening to this song while trimming my hair and it struck me, I have been cutting my own hair since the age of 18. But what really struck me was …
Back steps
Image by Yannis Papanastasopoulos from Unsplash I’m in a mood tonight so I wrote this… I really miss my back steps right now. Undoubtedly the most peaceful place in my childhood home for me. There was nothing particularly special about the steps. Typical concrete steps, Trinidadian in flavor but unpainted. …
Do what you love and do it often…
There was a time I would write almost everyday about almost anything. I slept with a notebook at my bedside for those moments in the wee hours of the morning when inspiration hits. A line or two would wake me up and I soon understood that not writing it down …